What We Do
Revolutionise your waste management.
Our aim is to empower communities to take charge of their waste management through composting. By reducing waste and nourishing soil, we can create a healthier and more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations.
Here are a few examples of what we do best...
Live Compost
CCS compost is handmade from locally intercepted waste and carbon sources including coffee grinds, food waste, cardboard/paper, leaf mould, horse manure, worm castings, garden weeds and even seaweed.
For Phase 1 we use a thermophilic (high heat) process to kill any weed seeds and pathogens and promote naturally occurring biology.
Composting occurs through the combination of nitrogen and carbon materials, water and oxygen.
The ingredients for composting include a proper balance of the following materials:
Carbon-rich materials (“browns”) can include dry leaves, plant stalks, and twigs...
Nitrogen-rich materials (“greens”) include grass clippings and food scraps...
Water (moisture).
Air (oxygen).
The final month of maturation is aided by the red wriggly composting worms we add and a diversity of indigenous (native) microorganisms that are encouraged to breed.
Using live compost you can help restore your topsoil, add vital nutrients to your body, and even take a bite out of climate change — all at the same time!
We offer composting workshops and educational presentations for home gardeners, community gardeners, allotment owners and school students.​
Business Collections
We have regular van routes organised for the collection and delivery of composting materials from participating businesses and residents.
Contact us if you are interested in joining this scheme.
Outreach Events
If you are organising a community event, consider inviting us with our demonstration table and composting information!
Community Development
Our organisation is a community interest organisation and participates in various community development activities beyond composting.
Brown Bin Alternative
If you have compostable organic material that is not collected by the Council Brown Bin program contact us and we will collect it for a small fee.
Material includes:
Grass cuttings
Shrub cuttings
Plant cuttings
Flower cuttings
Herbivorous pet bedding i.e. Rabbit, Guinea Pigs, ducks
Zero Waste Events
This new initiative has the potential to benefit local communities and local economies in numerous ways, and as we build better systems that prioritize circularity, everyone stands to win.
Key areas organisers can focus on to reduce environmental impact include:
Separating food waste so that it can be composted.
Eliminating waste and maximising reuse, banning problem materials, encouraging reuse and having deposit return schemes.
Create a Materials Policy to manage waste reduction to increase recycling and reuse.
Waste data capture and reporting and baseline setting.
Strategic placement and emptying of bins.
Audience communications to positively impact behaviour onsite.